The Special Extra: Premium Buffet Catering

What characterizes a good Buffet Catering?

How do you elevate the conventional practice of buffets as an inventive caterer? By consistently exploring new ideas and creating fresh concepts – even for the tenth or fiftieth project with the same client. Buffet Catering suits a multitude of occasions when you reimagine the buffet concept for each event. 

Berlin Locations and Ideas for Events with Premium Buffet

Buffet Ideas

We see it as a challenge to design a buffet that has something for everyone and at the same time matches everything together.

The Great Orangery of Charlottenburg

What is an orangery for? We think our buffets fit in perfectly – and so will your next event.

At the STATION Berlin

In the heart of Berlin, our buffets find their perfect place between industrial design and contemporary flair - and so will your event.

Buffet as a Meeting Point

Let's reinterpret the buffet as a meeting point and make it a topic of conversation - have you discovered THAT yet?

Adapting Buffet Catering for Online Event

Are you inviting guests to an online event this time? Just let us know, and with a little advance notice, we can seamlessly convert your buffet catering into online catering. In this setup, your guests will still enjoy a range of special delicacies, but now they'll be delivered to their homes or offices. This means that even with an online event, you can provide catering that leaves a lasting wow-impression. 

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Anton Krämer, Concept & Events